Saturday - February 27

Nice leisurely morning.....Luke and Grandma just lounged around in our jammies till late morning when Grandpa decided we needed to go into town and see if we could find a park or playground for Luke.

Well.....there are plenty of nice playgrounds at schools and day care centers, but everything was behind a locked gate, so.....apparently no public parks in Okeechobee?   We walked around downtown and stopped at the Brown Cow for some ice cream....Luke wasn't really into the ice cream, but enjoyed digging out the M 'n M's. 

Boy, I love these M 'n M's....
Tah dah....good stuff
Luke reminds me of the little guy on "Home Alone"!
Later we went to Joey's for pizza/spaghetti.   And then back to Daisy for naps (all 3 of us)   I went to 4:00 Mass at St. Theresa of the Child Jesus.   At the end of Mass and all the announcements, Father
said "there is a truck parked in front full of cabbages, green beans and strawberries.   PLEASE help yourself and take as much as you want....I don't want any left behind"!    Wow....beautiful fresh produce and Luke is enjoying some strawberries as I write this.
Mark and Luke went to Happy Hour for a short time while I was gone....mornings and evenings are really cool.   Pretty sunny day, but only in the 60's and breezy.
We did face time with Liam, Connor and Auntie Anne tonight!
This is where we hope to be in El Centro (11 days from now) to watch the Blues practice...  

The locals watching the practice from the hay bales a few days ago

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