Friday - September 20

 Exactly 5 years ago tonight, (Friday, September 20, 2019) Patrick died at St. Joseph Hospital - all happened so fast and such a shocking and sad time.    He would be so proud of Anne and his boys as we all are!!!

(Favorite son-in-law) and he called me FMIL (favorite mother-n-law).
He had a great sense of humor and was so talented with his music

We had a very busy day and were gone from KK for 8 hours.    We went to 8:00 Mass at Holy Trinity.   I took Mark to our storage unit as today was "thee" day we decided to start the pitching, donating, cleaning out some of our stuff that we haven't used or looked at for 9 years since we became nomads.    Mark hung out there while I picked up coffees and a pumpkin chocolate chip scone at Recreation Coffee (just opened in March) and went to visit Donna Rae.    As always, we had a great visit - she is delightful and so sharp at 93.    

Donna Rae

Then I went to storage and Anne came shortly after.    Mark preferred to tackle this project by himself (Anne and I thought he should take a break and join us for lunch), but he said "No, you gals have  a nice mother/daughter lunch (which had been planned).    So, we left for Ancho and Agave and excellent Mexican fare and margaritas outside on the patio.

Mother/Daughter Lunch

Stopped at Dollar General for a few things and then to storage.    Anne left with some treasures???    Mark and I were hard at it loading up the car and really made good waves (he worked 4.5 hours).    Wish we had taken a picture before starting, and then how it looks now - still plenty of "stuff", but definitely better.

So, many donations and 2 big garbage bags later...    Ta dah....

Back to KK - it was another very warm day.    Walked around and found 3 new states - Georgia, Kansas and Nevada.

Enjoy your weekend!


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