Thursday - September 19

 Congratulations to Michael and Brooke

26 years ago...9/19/1998

and the wonderful family they created

We had a very busy morning leaving for town around 8ish and met 2 long-time friends thru boating at The Bloomin' Cafe for delicious breakfast and a most enjoyable 2-hour visit.    Roger's wife Carol passed away last October - such a dear friend.    Gary's wife, Judy has Alzheimer's.....another dear friend.   These guys are truly special!!! 

Mark, Pat, Roger, Gary

We'll see Roger in Florida this fall and next winter and hopefully Gary next May!   

More errands including a haircut for Mark with Brandon at Shoey's Barber Shop.   I decided to go next door and get a few things at Dollar General.   I left the windows rolled down (it's a very empty shopping area).  As I was walking into DG, a guy started getting in my car?   I said "Excuse me, that's my car"!    It was a guy Mark worked with at SF many years ago who has an identical car as Ruby.    We had a nice visit in the parking lot with Frank and Jane and a good laugh about the car mix-up!!!

Stopped at Meijer's for some groceries, then to Holy Cross cemetery to chat with Patrick.    Tomorrow is the 5th anniversary...

On home and a quiet afternoon.     At 5, we left for Eureka and dinner at the Pickled Radish.   This place was formerly The Chanticleer (a favorite supper club), but they never recovered from Covid.   New owners came in, remodeled, new menu and wow.....excellent.    We ate here in the spring and definitely a favorite.   Mark had a ribeye (excellent) and I loved my peanut-crusted pork tenderloin with mashed sweet potatoes.

Wonderful dinner
Instead of taking our usual route home thru Goodfield, we meandered thru the country zigzagging on several roads and checking out the crops   The beans are in full swing with occasional corn fields being harvested.   We saw 3 deer on the side of the road coming out of the woods....always scary especially this time of year when they seem more abundant!

We had a good laugh at this picture...

Fall in Florida

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