Monday - September 16

We had a fun day in Mendora starting with breakfast at Cindy's where we met Jane who came from Peoria.   So good to see her!   We yakked over our breakfast and then said good bye....

Bob, Linda, Jane, Pat, Mark

Back to Bob and Linda's - she and I played Rummikube (she won) and then Jane stopped in before heading back home.   We had such a nice afternoon visiting on the porch.    Mary and Dick came and more gabbing.   Lots of reminiscing from years ago.   Jane ate dinner and then left for home.

Unfortunately, Aunt Marian did not join us as she had some dental work done this morning and was not to going out again.    Bob and Mark took dinner to her including pie.

We had a wonderful lasagna dinner along with meatballs, 7-layer salad, garlic bread and pie to go as we were all stuffed.   Played SkyJo which Linda won!   Her lucky day!

Dick, Mary, Linda, Bob

Bye bye to Dick and Mary

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