Thursday - September 12

 Beautiful day....we left for town at 8:40 with our laundry and a list of errands.    Got 5 machines going and while Mark took Ruby to get gas, I walked next door for a latte at Gloria Jean's.    Got the clean clothes dried, folded, in the car and off to run a few errands before we met our long-time friend and neighbor (41+ years), Marty for lunch at Schooner's.    Sooo good to see him and catch up on our families, the Jackson Street neighborhood, health issues and other news around town + many memories from years past.    Marty will be 88 on the 17th and doing very well.   And lunch was very good, too.

"Mr. Marty" as our grandsons called him

A few more errands and on home.    Quiet afternoon - got the laundry put away,10-minute power nap, read, etc.   

Took a couple walks around the campground - the RV's kept rolling in.   It's ISU Family Weekend (also at Iowa where Anne will be with Liam).   New states tonight are Alabama, West Virginia and Maryland.   I'm enjoying the fall decor Micci has around the campground.

Fall has arrived at KK

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