Thursday - September 5

 What a big day!    We started off with an excellent breakfast at Bob, Linda, Dick and Mary's hotel - The Blue Gate.    We hit a few more shops including the bulk grocery store.    Then out in the country to Rise 'n Roll - wonderful bakery and deli and we all got some donuts including their famous "crack" one - cinnamon sugar/caramel!    DELISH!!!

Said our good byes as they were heading home and we went back to the campground to get Flo.   We sure had a fun time here in Shipshewana!

Bob, Dick, Mary, Linda, Mark

By 1:00, we were on our way to Notre Dame to see Brady (45 miles).   We got Flo settled at the St. Joseph County 4-H Fairgrounds in South Bend - only 1 other camper here tonight but I can imagine on game day......crazy!    We rested a bit and then left for Notre Dame and weren't on campus 5 minutes when we heard Brady call "Grandma"!!!    What a surprise that he just happened to be walking with friends as we were coming around the circle near his dorm!

We made a plan to meet up later.   We found a parking place and then started our walk around the campus - wow....absolutely beautiful and so pristine with nice landscaping -  lots of grassy areas (park-like settings), etc.   We stopped at the bookstore and Mark got a shirt and then met Brady at Rohr's for dinner.    Excellent and so good to catch up and hear about things on campus, his classes, etc. for our freshman.    He's happy and enjoying it all + keeping very busy.    After dinner he took us on a tour of campus (places we had not seen earlier.)    Here are some pics from our afternoon. 

Entrance to campus
Brady and Grandpa shared this delicious "Domer" cake
Our Lady of Lourdes Grotte
Touchdown Jesus
The Dome
Brady and Anna
Her Mom Mary, was a year behind Michael and Anne at CCHS
These little robots were scurrying all around delivering food - so funny (grub hub)

After we said our good byes to Brady and left him with a bag of treats, we drove to St. Mary's of Notre Dame (all women with enrollment of around 1500).    Mark's sister Carol went here almost 60 years ago and he remembers picking her up and/or taking her back after coming home for a weekend.    

Back to the campground - got a lot of steps in today....almost 12,000 for both of us.   Tomorrow, "home" to Kamp Komfort.

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