Wednesday - September 11

 Remembering 23 years ago today...😔

Loving this September weather - cool mornings and evenings and warm afternoons (today's high was 86)!

Quiet morning on Flo till I took off for town - got some goodies for Liam and Connor at Meijer's and then met Claire at Biaggi's.    Had not seen her since May and she just returned from Italy, Switzerland and Austria, so lots to yak about in the 3 hours we were together!   Sat outside on this beautiful day...

Claire and Pat 

Back to KK and caught Mark up on all the news!   Another beautiful sunset tonight but didn't get a pic as we were visiting with a couple from Arkansas.    She's from there; he's from Philadelphia and they met in Greece.    Interesting story.

We've seen so many transport trucks carrying cars - guess they're going to FL or somewhere south and be ready when their owners arrive!    Even saw one out in the country coming home from Shipshewana last week.

2 new states tonight are Ohio and Wisconsin.


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