Busy fun days here with Baby Blair and family. This Grandma is enjoying all the sweet little "all shades" of pink and lavender sleepers, blankets, bibs, tiny socks, hats, etc.......this is FUN laundry
to do!
Yesterday Bob (Brooke's Dad) and Mark went to Lake James and launched Bob's new fishing boat - what fun times ahead for the boys as they love to fish with their Grand Bob. More friends stopped by and late afternoon, Judy, Bob, Michael,Brooke, Mark and I played 6-handed euchre with the gals beating the guys 2 out of 3. Judy brought delicious dinner for all to enjoy (ham, scalloped potatoes, marinated asparagus, fresh-from-the-garden-tomatoes, rolls, topped off with butterfinger pie) THANK YOU, Judy!!!!
Friends took the boys to see "Grown-ups 2" at the movies. We watched the big news event of the royal baby boy's arrival in London.
Grandma and Blair were "bonding" between 1:30-3:30 this morning - she ate, she just looked around, she yawned, Grandma yawned and on and on it went. Every time I went to put her in her crib, she would cry and since I didn't want to wake the rest of the sleeping house, I picked her up and kept "talking" to her! She loves to be held, but .....let's do this during the daytime, Sweetie!!! She's like a little doll .....as our Anne said, "after 3 brothers, 2 sons, and 8 nephews, I finally have a niece!" What a little blessing in pink.
I think about all the fun things we can do thru the years.....shopping, tea parties, playing dress-up, manicures/pedicures, and maybe someday, a trip to American Girl and pick out a dolly (Brooke reminds me that she may not be into dolls as she and Anne were not) - could have a little tomboy on our hands especially with 3 older brothers (also have boy cat and boy dog in this household)!!!
Blair is the 28th great grandchild for Mark's Mom - wow!!!! (11 girls and 17 boys) and I think of how my Mom would've sooo enjoyed these 3 new babies in the family'
(Leia - great niece, Luke and Blair)!
Grandpa took the boys to lunch and Moo Moo golf. Really hot here today. Michael took Brooke on a short shopping trip to Babies R Us.
Few new pics of the grand babies...
Sweet Baby Girl

Luke discovered his toes today!
Big boy in "his" chair
Pretty little lady in raspberry stripes
Blair goes to her 1st doctor appointment tomorrow! Drew comes home late tomorrow afternoon! Yeah!!!
Another delicious meal tonight (chicken enchiladas and banana pudding) brought in by next-door neighbors!
This Grandma is going to bed with the chickens tonight! Ha.....and hoping Miss Blair will not be so wide awake in the wee hours?