Monday - July 8

Tuesday morning......back at the lake house and didn't get to finish this blog posting last night as there is no cell or internet service at our other house!    So......been enjoying Luke who has been all smiley this morning.    He's taking a nap, the guys are running errands (Mark, Philip and Davis) while Brady, Luke, Annette and I hang out.    Brooke went back into town to do errands and has early morning dr. appointment tomorrow.

Luke was exactly 3 months old yesterday (7/8/13)   What fun he is!

Monday - Tah dah....beautiful sunny summer day with no rain!!!!    Mark and I exercised and then he and the boys ran some errands and out to lunch.    Brooke and I took off for grocery store with huge list in hand.   2+ hours and $407.23 later, we were out the door.    This should be a good start and will get us thru several days!
Mark and I packed up our stuff and moved to another lovely home here at Lake James (about 10 minutes from Michael and Brooke's) where we'll stay for the next week and also Anne, Patrick, Judy and Dave (Annette's parents)   Brooke took the boys to Camp Lake James to swim.    And now.....we are just waiting for the highlight of the day......Luke is coming!!!!

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