Wednesday - July 3

Another day of heavy rain................Mark and I exercised and then started loading up 2 trucks and 1 car for the trek to Lake James with all our stuff.    Brooke had a doctor appointment, so came up later.   Mark, Michael boys and I got stuff unloaded in between the heavy downpours and then went to Camp Lake James for lunch.
After getting clothes, food and stuff put away, we are just enjoying a leisurely afternoon - reading, napping, TV, games, etc.    It's sooo pretty here despite the rain) and looking forward to 2 weeks of family fun.   The kids will start trickling in beginning next Monday (Philip, Annette and Luke are spending a few days with Ryan in Pensacola before coming here).
All of us went to Roma's for delicious Italian dinner and then home to watch "Bourne Legacy"
 on the big screen....
Wishing you all a very HAPPY, SAFE July 4th!!!!

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