March 13

We had a very nice day outside.  Pat had shortened therapy this afternoon so she and I got to walk outside for quite a bit.  I'm still not walking very fast and neither is she so we made a good team.  She only had to remind me once that I was getting ahead of her.  She REALLY enjoys getting some fresh air.

Glen and Paula did stop by last night.
Paula brought cookies. They are a hit with Pat.  So far I've only gotten 1/2 of one cookie.

Glen with your new favorite Blog Author!

Pat and Linda the Saturday Occupational Therapist.

You new favorite Blog author is now also a shopper (God only knows what new skills I do next).  I bought Pat a couple of new button down blouses.  She decided that she can go with a smaller size so tomorrow I get to shop even more.   I'd better earn lots of atta boys for this.

We have decided to cancel our participation on Ryan's Tiger Cruise.  We are disappointed but we have new priorities.  Oh well, there should be future opportunities to join a Tiger Cruise.  Wonder if the Navy would let me drive the boat??  Main disappointment is waiting the extra couple of weeks to see Ryan.

All in all another good day.  No therapy on Sunday so maybe more walks outside.  Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Oh Pat, looking good. So much more alert than the other picture Mark posted a day or so after surgery. I keep saying that time does make things better and you are showing and doing what that says now. At least, your weather improved and now it is in NC. Of course, we have had bad weather since Thursday. Sun came out for about 30 minutes today and tomorrow more showers coming our way. Have a good Sunday and keep up the improving. Sorry, about the Tiger cruise, but like Mark said more opportunities to come. It will be a great homecoming when you get to see Ryan in a few weeks. Love, JudyB

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark: Just wanted to tell you that you are doing a great job with the Blog. Very informative and pleasant. You might get to like this job so much you won't want to give it up in a few weeks. Also, Bob can give you tips on shopping. He had to do so much when I fractured my back. Of course, I don't think he got to like it so much that he wanted to continue indefinitely, but he was pretty good at finding things. Good luck with your shopping tomorrow. JudyB