March 24

First order of business is:   Happy Birthday Brady, who is 4 today.  We talked to him on the phone today.  What a sweetie.  We gave him the shirt which he wanted to wear to school today, but dress code does not allow that.  He decided if he couldn't wear his "Brady" shirt then it wasn't his birthday.  They say the cutest things.

Brady modeling his shirt.

I did boat jobs this morning while Pat was at therapy.  She walked home and after lunch we went over to St. George Island.  It has some very nice beach areas.  Started out sunny and warm but got cloudy later on.  Came back to the boat and Pat did more exercises and is now napping.  I'm hoping to talk her in to describing her therapy exercises for you.  That seems like a good way to get her back in to 'blogging'.

I took the engine batteries out and had them 'load tested'.  They are ok so I will not replace them. Now checking for loose connections, although now the engines start just fine. Wouldn't you know that one of the connections will require an 18 extension socket or someone with a very long and skinny arm. (Maybe I'll measure Pat's good arm while she sleeps....)  Don't think I'll be checking that connection for awhile. 

Hi all..................I'm baaaaaaaack!    Sure don't want to steal Mark's thunder and the fine job he's done with the blog, but just a quick update on what's going on with my therapy and recovery.     I'm really impressed with Tom Brocato and staff at The Apalachicola Rehab Center.     They are so friendly, encouraging, and supportive.   As I was doing the "climbing the walls" exercise today and almost in tears,  Miss Pam said a shoulder fracture is the worst break in the body with long, painful therapy taking a good 6-8 months to get full range of motion back.      I'm doing pulleys, shoulder shrugs, pendulum swings, etc.     After today's session, I had some heat sensor stimulus and then warm padding applied to shoulder followed by ice applied by Miss Martha Pearl with such loving care.   On the days I have therapy, I'm to do exercises on the boat 2 more times and when I don't have therapy (Tues, Thurs, Sat and Sun), I'm to "try" 3x each day!   "No gain"!!!    Sooo glad this is not my right shoulder as that would be much more difficult dealing with the ordinary things I do right-handed!   Just before leaving the office today, Tom said I was a trouper and "hang in there" - that was a real boost to the morale!    There are still some nasty bruises and aches and pains, but time will heal.    It's supposed to rain tomorrow and that usually means more aggravation to the ole bods!

I have appointment for April 13th back home with my Dr. to evaluate my progress, set up a time with orthopedic Dr. and then more therapy.   Three weeks ago tonight this nightmare all began, but we are so thankful it wasn't worse!

THANKS to all of you for your wonderful e-mails, cards, visits, phone calls, gifts, and especially your prayers and get-well wishes!     It's been such a comfort hearing from you, and Mark and I are both so appreciative of all your support.     Mark has been a super caregiver and been doing a little bit of everything.    He's holding down the fort (boat) first rate - what a guy!!!   He's still hurting with his leg and hoping the healing will be complete and come soon!

And now...........the next 2 weeks we'll be enjoying Anne, Michael and families.    The best therapy is coming my way............... "Grandma time" and so looking forward to all the FUN with my 5 little guys!

Love and Hugs to all,

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