Monday - October 26

Nice day, but cooler than yesterday and windy!    I spoke too soon about "Patricia" as she is now wrecking havoc in Pensacola with heavy rain ad strong winds.    Ryan, Mike and Theresa are bobbing around in the marine.    Mike and Theresa will be flying  home  tomorrow.    Back to work for Philip today.    We sooo appreciate all their help.
Mark was off early this morning to the dentist - he had a crown fall out this weekend.   Luckily, they could get him in and a quick fix.    I stopped at Meijer's for a few things and then had blood work done.   I  met up with everyone for breakfast.    Good to catch up with the gals while the guys chatted about this 'n that.
Then off to therapy for me and Mark went home.   Jim tried a new form of traction today, so we'll see if that helps.   In the meantime, he wants me to see a neck specialist.  I got back to Daisy at 12:30, we had lunch and then got some more clothes organized.
Nine of the Monday Night Friends met at Brenda's tonight for delicious chicken chili supper!    Lots of extra goodies, wine, dessert, etc.    Fun Monday night as always!

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