Monday - October 5

Today was fun and busy......Mark left at 7:30 for Sublette and help Bob with the farming.   I went into town, stopped at Meijer's, had breakfast with the Monday Morning group, therapy with Lee and lunch with Martha at the Carlock Family Restaurant.   
Always fun to visit with Martha and that we did over our grilled ham and cheese sandwiches.   Then to the farm where Martha grew up and has been in her family since 1854 (6 generations).   Today started out foggy, dreary and cool, but the sun came out when Martha was giving me the tour (her brother and sister-in-law live there now).   Sooo pretty and pleasant out on the country.
 I came back to Daisy and caught up on computer stuff and read.
Somebody else was out in the country today with his Mommy and Grandpa...
Smelling the pretty flowers
Tonight, the Sublettians (Central IL Chapter) met at The Busy Corner.    Ann picked me up and we had our usual fun outing of catching up, laughs and good food (pie, too)!
Debbi, Jane, Ann, Marilyn, Pat
Hockey stars practicing tonight
Connor (48); Liam (44)

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