Saturday - October 3

Chilly, blustery, cloudy day with a high of only 59.    A leisurely morning on Daisy.  I made sausage, eggs and toast for breakfast and around 11, we went into town and to the storage unit.   Been trying to find our sweaters for winter.    After much searching thru bins and boxes, we found them in the trunk (right where I usually store them).   Brooke and Michael will eventually be getting this and of course, it was put way in front of all the stuff.   But we found 'em and got everything put back in even better order!
Darrel and Tamara were hosting the Monday Night Friends and grandchildren for a wiener roast and hayrack ride.    Only 5 of our gals came, but with husbands, kids, grandkids and friends made for a really fun late afternoon/evening.    Darrel took us on a fun ride around the country roads and then we enjoyed a huge, wonderful array of good eating!
Over a roaring fire (even with the strong winds), we enjoyed our hot dogs and s'mores.
There were 21 of us total - great time in the country!
Judy, Pat, Liam, Connor, Anne, Gavin, Maggie, Luke, Annette
Annette and Luke 
Cute farm décor out in the field 
Luke and the tractors 
Pretty fall display

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