Wednesday - November 29

 Posted by Mark:

Morning update:

Pat had a much better night.  The sling with the pillow is very bulky and cumbersome, but it sure seems to be helping.

She was up at 1:00 a.m. and 5:45.  After the second time she decided to try the couch.  We both ended up not moving much until 8 a.m.  

3 of her fingers are still numb from the nerve block, but it used to be 4 so that's some progress.  Her arm near the incision area is starting to feel like it is being "stretched".

Lydia dropped off some Panera goodies for breakfast.  She is also bringing over our Dinner later today.

The day is off to a good start.

Final Update:

Slow afternoon.  Nap for Pat.  Dinner from Lydia was excellent.  Cheesy chicken broccoli casserole.  We have plenty left over for another meal.  Her 3 fingers are still numb.

Other family news:

Connor has decided to go to Junior college at Danville Junior College.  They offered him a Full Tuition books and fees scholarship to play Golf.   They play 6 weeks in the spring and 6 weeks in the fall.

Luke and Maeve are helping decorate their Christmas tree.

Maeve also lost another tooth.  I think that is 3 teeth in 3 weeks.  Tooth Fairy is busy.

 Home Health Care nurse called and plans to be here between 1:30 - 2 tomorrow.

Until Tomorrow.

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