June 14

 We proudly fly our flag every day and especially proud to have 2 of the flags that flew with Ryan on combat missions over Afghanistan.

We had breakfast with the neighbors this morning then therapy at 11:00 (Jim) and later, my annual check-up and talked to the doctor about the dizzy/woozy issues going on.    He said it's related to the crystals/rocks (apparently some have come loose again - or particles).   He did a simple exercise in the office and explained what I can do at home if and when this happens again (not that uncommon to occur but usually not this frequently).   If things don't improve, I'll go back to see Charlotte at the Balance and Dizziness Center.

Rain, Rain, sooo much rain!!!    And more predicted for tonight and tomorrow!    Met the Monday Night Friends for supper at SF Park - only 5 of us, but good time as always with lots of chatter!

Candy and I went for a long walk, dodging mud and water - really humid out!

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