June 16

What a treat to see all the sunshine today!     I had therapy with Jim (been having occasional sharp pains in the shoulder and not sure if it's the big screw or scar tissue or what the heck is going on?)   Guess I'll find out in 10 days when more x-rays are taken???   

Met Claire for breakfast outdoors at Panera and 1 hour of yakkin' away....

Got the laundry caught up and then off to lunch with  Exchange Club.   Mark has been washing/waxing Daisy and she's lookin' real good - one more coat of wax tomorrow!!!   We went for a bike ride - my first since the accident and I was a bit leery, but Jim (therapist) said no reason not to, so.....felt good and hope to get back in a daily routine of riding!

We enjoyed Connor and Liam's T-Ball games - what fun watching those little ones run and exercise and try to hit/catch the ball!
Batter up, Connor
In between games, Daddy played with the boys at McGraw Park
Liam is warming up before practice

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