June 4

Great news on the boaters...............Mark and Bill are in Havana tonight just 45 miles from Peoria and 120 miles from Ottawa (final destination)!!!!    And they "SHOULD" make it thru the Peoria lock as the wickets are down cause of the high water levels.    They traveled 120 miles today and saw only commercial traffic with a few fishermen, but no other pleasure boats.   They have 2 more locks to get thru.
This was taken yesterday with Bill at the helm coming into St. Louis

I had therapy with Jim this morning, ran some errands and then lunch with my Sublettian friends.   Thirteen of us (+ Baby Quentin) gathered at Biaggi's to bid farewell to Kay who is moving to Arizona.....
Kay.....we are soooo going to miss you!!!

We enjoyed eating and socializing and then had the nice surprise of 2 more friends stopping by that some of us remembered from high school back home!

Jane and Quentin
.Marilyn and Jane (sisters)
The Sublettians
Sheila, Pat, Kayla, Marilyn, Debbi, Mary, Anita, Ann, Kay, Jane, Joyce, Katie and Carole

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