June 30

Dear Family and Friends,
Good to be back on the blog and first thing on the agenda is a big THANK YOU for all the e-mails, e-cards, prayers and good wishes both for our anniversary and my surgery!    The food brought in was much appreciated, too!   We are so blessed!

Had a good visit with physician's assistant today after therapy.    Got the bulky bandages off and feels so much lighter.   I have 2 incisions and several stitches.    The shoulder is really sore and stiff, so now...it's all about therapy, therapy and more therapy!    I'll be taking my pulleys with me whenever I'm away from home and have several other exercises to do at home (some of this is like starting over from what I did after the first surgery - pendulums, squeezing towel, elbow bends, etc.)!   Lots of icing and pain meds, too (at least for a few more days)!
Yesterday, our grand dogs went to "Doggie Heaven" and we feel so for Michael, Brooke and the boys.    Back in 1998, Ryan and I went to visit Michael and picked out Bailey.  Brooke already had Katie and then after they married, the "girls" became best friends.    They both lived a good long life, but had several health issues and as their vet said "it was time"...Our hearts go out to them as they were "family" for all these years and to lose both at the same time has to be especially hard!   Looking at this picture makes me cry!
Bailey and Katie

It was such a pretty day - turned off the air and opened the windows.    Mark and I went downtown to listen to the lunchtime concert (every Wednesday) and today, Patrick was the performer and as usual, he did an excellent job singing Elton John, Phil Collins, Neil Diamond, Billy Joel and many more!   Nice crowd in the park and good time was had by all!

Anne and the boys were there, too, and here's a few cute goofy pics...
Liam with the cute wig
Connor's turn to be cute!
Patrick entertaining us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Pat: The picture of Katie and Bailey made me cry too!!!! I can remember when the kids first got the dogs as puppies. Bailey could jump so high we had to put up two gates to keep her contained in the kitchen. Katie was always so indenpendent and did not really get close to people quickly only Brooke at first, but eventually let us get close to her. Bailey was always trying to sit with you and loved to lick you. Of course, Katie became the mommie dog to baby Bailey and continued that way until the end. It is so hard to lose pets and I feel for Brooke, Michael and the boys. JudyB