Monday - August 13

Rainy Monday morning so after breakfast we took off and will exercise later or tomorrow?     We are coming up Route 1 along the coast.   Newfoundland/Labrador are huge and if they were in the US, would rank 4th in size behind Alaska, Texas and California.    There are no roads going thru the center of the island as it’s mountainous and rugged with many lakes.    The main source of income is fishing, so everyone settled along the coastline, thus no roads inland.   So, we are traveling along the east coast, north coast and will come down the west coast.     Although we see signs for B and B’s, inns, resorts, golf courses, etc., they are off the main roads and well secluded with long distances between towns.    
It rained most of the trip from a light mist to heavy downpour and lots of water standing on the highway.   
Threatening sky and rain, rain and more rain most of the day
  Tah dah….we saw our first moose just standing alongside the road.   Signs are all along Route 1 warning of moose sightings.
We stopped in Gander for lunch and also curious as to details about what we had heard from Judy (Brooke’s Mom) regarding the many planes (38) making an emergency landing here on 9/11.   And then the WONDERFUL hospitality the Newfies showed the passengers for three days while all air traffic was suspended.   Our waitress at Lilly’s Landing said “Absolutely, that’s how it was and just crazy as Gander doubled in size (their population is 10,000) and school buses shuttled passengers into town or they walked as the airport was just 10 minutes away.    The citizens went all out opening their homes and hearts during this very sad, scary time.   There are several articles on the internet about this uplifting story - thanks for sharing, Judy!
Gosh….today our Brady had 1st grade orientation and tomorrow, he and his brothers start the new school year     Liam and Connor start the 22nd.
We arrived in Twillingate around 4:30 and it was raining big time!    We are at the Peyton’s Woods RV Park.     Glad to be settled – not a fun day for Mark driving in rain, fog, sloshing water on the roads, etc.!   UGH
We check online for all the suggested things to do and "must sees" when we come into a new town and here in Twillingate, they have lots of entertainment and all received great reviews.  Tonight we decided a little Newfoundland culture was in order, so we went to the production of "The Shipwreck of the Schooner Begonia" at Cameron Hall.     Beforehand we drove around Twillingate and had an ice cream cone from Mr. and Mrs. Scoops (good homemade stuff)!   And then to this fun musical with 6 cast members (2 juniors, 2 seniors and 2 college freshmen).    All the little towns put on summer theater productions each year.   There were around 40 people in the audience and we all enjoyed the performance!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evening Pat: So glad you could stop in Gander and check out the info of the planes landing on 9/11. Horray the email was correct. I did not think to check this info out on line before sending the email. Good idea! So sorry the weather has not been good, but hopefully it will get better. On our various travels in Canada we found that all the little towns have these small theater groups and we have seen some really entertaining shows. Good night and keep dry!!! Love, Judy