Wednesday - August 15

Hello from Cow Head, NL....yesterday we were in Crow Head - today Cow Head!!!    Anyway, we were off to an early start leaving Twillingate at 7:20 and traveled 290 miles with 70 of those miles on the beautiful Viking Trail thru Gros Morne National Park.    Soo many winding, twisting, curvy roads and going in every direction!   Lakes, trees, lakes, trees, more lakes, and many more trees!!!!    
Think I've mentioned how beautiful it is up here?

The lumber industry is very big here along with fishing.....and the folks all have their huge stacks of firewood piled up and ready for winter.    Those garbage containers I talked about yesterday all sit at end of driveway for easy pick-up.
Many of the homes have a stack like this OR bigger
2nd moose sighting - didn't have the camera quite quick enough

We are at the Sun Breeze B and B and RV Park (10 sites) overlooking the
Gulf of St. Lawrence.   A couple from South Dakota are beside us (they are only the 3rd RV from the states we've seen in several days......TX, VA and now SD).   We drove around Cow Head and then hiked the Lighthouse Loop Trail - felt good to get some exercise.  
The aptly named "Lighthouse" built in 1909 (and a tad rusty) was 1/2 way thru
the 45-minute trip and Mark opened door and peaked inside - just a ladder going to top.

View of Cow Head, water and Anglican cemetery
Mark deserves an A+++ today for figuring out the logistics for the next few days of where we want to be, stay and check out!    Our Philip always has a Plan B, C, D, etc....well, I think today, we were at Plan "G"?    But he "done good" and some neat stuff coming up!!!    Long distances to cover, but we can do it!!!
And last but not least....
NC grandsons on their 1st day of school - 8/14/12
Drew, 7th, Brady, 1st and Davis, 5th

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pat: Check your calendar. You really are just riding and checking out the scenery. Today is the 15th of August!!!!!! You said you did not have to keep track of time and now I see it first hand unless it was a typo. Have fun traveling Newfoundland and looking at all those trees. If you were in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan you would see fields of grain, grain and more grain. Which is prettier and more scenic???? JudyB