Friday - September 16

Today started out ok - left the marina at 7:01 but had some strong pounding waves (NOT fun) for maybe 30 minutes or so and then we turned and much better conditions.    Sunshine off and on, jackets off and on and we were merrily on our way.   
As many times as we've passed thru Norfolk on the water, it always amazes me the amount of Naval vessels everywhere, the huge Naval shipping yards, and so much Navy presence on both sides of the Chesapeake coming into Norfolk.   As we were coming closer, a very large container freighter was coming towards us and we stayed far out of its way.   But just before we got closer, a huge inflatable boat came flying towards us with a machine gun in front just checking that we stayed at least 500' away....."Yes Sir....that is the plan!"    Not sure what was onboard - fuel of some sort, nuclear stuff?     Something important that we were not to get close to!!!
We have only 1 lock this entire trip and it is in Great Bridge, VA so shortly after we were ready to leave the dock, the starboard check engine alarm came on and we had no reverse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   NOOOOOO, this can't be happening - we have BRAND NEW ENGINES!!!!
We had to wait for a bridge to open at 1:00 and then able to tie up and long story short, we were very fortunate that the Atlantic Yacht Basin (working boat yard) was right across the way.    We got there, tied up and then a 2nd fortunate, that  Mac (one of their mechanics came onboard and was able to replace a coupler (nothing to do with new engines or why alarm came on and  3rd, fortunate, Mark had an extra onboard.    But on the new engines, some ground cables did need tightening!    So lucky Mac could help us as it's Friday afternoon with weekend coming up and no one would be working!
When all was said and done, we need a new battery....they do not have one in stock, so Mark replaced new one from generator and temporarily, use it to get us going again.    In the meantime, we are tied up here and will spend the night - we lost at least 4-5 hrs today!    ARGHHHH!
But we walked a short little jaunt to El Toro Loco for really good Mexican dinners and drinks and now settled in Catrina and ready to take off tomorrow - whatever the day will bring, as Mark says "We can handle it"!!!!!!
Another concern is keeping an eye on the weather and these tropical depressions, storms, etc......since it appears Julia has pretty much fizzled, it's Karl we're watching although he's still way out in the Atlantic.    As the guy in the lock said, "We're thinking about Karl now as it could hit the Carolinas and Virginia"    Right in our path!
Stay tuned for the next Nomad update!!!
Connor and classmates raising the American flag
at Corpus Christi School this morning!

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