Thursday - September 29

Yesterday was a very big day for our Connor.....can't believe how fast these grandchildren are growing...
Connor served mass for the first time at his school - Corpus Christi
Patrick, Connor and Ayden
Grandma is looking forward to the day when Liam and Connor will serve Mass together!
Good night's sleep for all.....
Our friend, Susie was to come for a visit and lunch today, but she's under the weather, so hoping for another time....Luke was disappointed.
Little Miss Ducky
Threatening rain this afternoon 2 different times, (dark skies and thunder) but nothing happened.
    We went for a little stroll in the neighborhood!
On a mission
Strange site in the neighborhood....palm tree trunk with no palms???
Oozing with LOVE
Luke's new word (at least to us) and he uses it frequently is "Awesome"!

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