Friday - September 30

Started the day with sunshine, but clouds rolled in and it was a very rainy afternoon/evening with occasional thunder.    Good time to hibernate.     The cruisers (Philip and Annette) arrived home around 11.    They had a really fun getaway.   Mark and Philip ran some errands, some of us took naps and just a quiet afternoon as the rain continued to come down.

Hmmmm......let me think about this?   
 Well for sure, he was very happy to see Mommy and Daddy

Mommy and Maeve happy to be cuddling again

Sweetie Pie
Mark and I have been enjoying "Solid Gold Oldies" on the Music Choice channel on TV.    We laughed cause all the ads for commercials are definitely related to our generation....lasik, joint pain, medic alert necklace, catheter, etc., etc.
Bye bye September and bring on the beautiful colors of October...

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