August 19

Thursday brought back the humidity and 90 degrees!   But it is still August, so...
Liam started kindergarten today (2 hours) and Connor had his 1st hour of preschool yesterday!    Our NC grandsons start tomorrow - hope to share some pics soon?

Mark and I ran some errands (separately) and I had therapy at 1:00.   Lee did more measurements and is faxing info to Dr. Novotny who I will see in the morning and he will determine whether I should have another manipulation.   Lee gave me long strips of latex for strengthening exercises.

Brooke wrote that Davis (8) lost his first 2 teeth tonight - yeah Davis...he's been holding on all this time!   Hope the tooth fairy treats him well!

I had dinner at Mandarin Garden with the Sublettians (only 4 of us tonight), but nontheless...plenty of chatter and laughs and very good Chinese!

Ann, Pat, Debbi and Kay

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