Sunday - July 17

We checked out of the hotel and drove to Pensacola for 8:00 Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral.   Then to see Ryan for short visit and pick up some Blue Angel photos for Philip.    Off to Avalon Landing,, reunited Daisy with Todd and our way by 11:15.
Sad today hearing the news that Ed Alsene passed away.   Ed was 92 and married to Donna Rae for 63 years.   What a wonderful couple,  dear friends and neighbors they were for so many years.
RIP Ed.....
And once again, more innocent police officers died so senselessly.    My heart breaks for their families.     PLEASE PLEASE....stop all this violence and hatred in our country!   

We are settled in the Travelers Campground near Alachua, FL (north of Ocala).   It is a very rural setting with several animals; weather is threatening, so not sure about walking around!


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