September 13

Beautiful day....Mark and I rode our bikes to breakfast with the Monday morning friends/neighbors.   Pat and Brenda stopped by to look at paint samples (I had 3 colors that I painted on 3 pieces of poster board to get a better idea up on the walls).    Josh, our contractor stopped by and he's ordering our hardwood flooring.   I scrubbed the kitchen walls and straightened up a bit.

Mark did Daisy jobs most of the day.   We went for a bike ride this afternoon - stopped at Beer Nuts and then rode the Constitution Trail - so much fun and hope to make this a daily ritual!

I went to SF Park with the Monday night gals.   Mark is using Daisy in the driveway as our family room and out there watching TV tonight.   Hopefully in another few weeks or so we'll have a bit more "normal" around here?

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