Saturday - October 22

 Happiness is a clean Flo (+ windows and screens), car and truck!   So many RV owners have a detailing company come and clean their rigs here in the park.....maybe next time!   We were tired when we were finished!    But glad that task is done for awhile!

The stories just keep rolling in regarding Ian's tragic destruction.    80 some rental lots here in our park were used by workers and crew in the aftermath of Ian - our activities director invited them to a pool party a few weeks ago.

Every day the news is full of sad reports and now hearing about all the large number of layoffs coming for some of the luxury hotels/resorts (South Seas on Captiva, Ritz Carlton in Naples and The Pink Shell on Fort Myers Beach.)  And that's only the beginning...

Also today, a report on some of those who died during the storm and what the circumstances were.....heartbreaking!   

Our friends Vinnie and Laurie in Cape Coral (they have a PDQ catamaran just like Catrina - bought it from John and Beth) had 2' of water in their home so dealing with that messy clean-up + tearing out drywall, getting contractors in to do the work, and inspectors, picking out new flooring and on and on.....

Tonight we met Glen and Paula at University Grill - love this place and very popular and packed as always!    We had so much to talk about - of course, the hurricane, damage to their property, selling their home, buying another in Columbia, MO, vacation this summer in Ireland and Scotland and on and on......they'll be leaving in less than a month!

Glen and Paula

Hoping to get together one more time before they leave!

Sweet Maeve has been making cookies with her Nana

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