Friday - September 29

Our Saints
Spectacular fall day and the farmers are going great guns harvesting the beans and corn!    Love being near the action here at Kamp Komfort.
We were up early with Connor, had breakfast and then he and Mark were off to school shortly after 7.    I left at 7:30 for the laundromat with 3 loads.    We have been to many, many laundromats with our travels and they are all over the place as far as cleanliness, place to fold, hang, etc.    We've had some good and some not so good; in many cases, we have no choice and take what we can get especially when we're on the boat.
So I walked into the place I've been going to when we're at Kamp Komfort as it's on the outskirts of Normal (and next door to Gloria Jean's).    It was so nasty and filthy with dirt, lint, trash and oodles and oodles of fabric softener sheets EVERYWHERE!!!!   It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in weeks?
A young man came in around 9, got the big mop out of the closet and started sweeping the floor.   I asked him why it was so nasty.    He said "Oh, it's always like this.    People just don't care as it's not their place."    He went on to say "Sometimes it's much worse than this"!    I was appalled.    What is wrong with people!    Wastebaskets are nearby, but who cares....just throw it all on the floor and let someone else clean up.   Also, there were so many clothes here and there?    What was that all about?    So every time I've been here before, I guess it's always after 9 AM and already been cleaned?
That's my gripe for the day...thanks for letting me vent!
Back to Daisy to put the clothes away.    Mark is working on Toad's towing lights and getting everything "ready to go" for our departure Sunday.
We left for East Peoria at 3:30 and what a grand day to sit at the ball field cheering on the
Corpus Christi Saints.   We'll be back tomorrow!
Stopped at Costco and then supper at Busy Corner - no pie, though!
Our colorful girlie girl!


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