Saturday - September 16

Off to watch the boys team, Corpus Christi Saints play in first game of tournament in Gibson City (55 minutes away).     We stopped at Gloria Jean's on our way out of town for coffee.
Sat with Anne and Patrick - it was actually hot sitting there, but just a very pretty day~
Corpus Christi won 15-0.    Next game Monday night and Mark will be there.    I'm going to a bridal shower/dinner.
Grandma and Grandpa with our
Back to Daisy and after lunch, we dug in with cleaning Daisy's storage areas inside and out and organizing (stuff we don't really need.... and so,  take off Daisy and pitch or put in storage.)
It was a good productive day and plan to finish up tomorrow!
We had brats and salad for supper and ate on our picnic table - nice evening!
Ryan flew to Hawaii today and onto Guam in a few days - gone 9 days of Navy business.
Here is neat video that Michael sent of his alma mater (University of Iowa) and how this has gone viral around the country - a very heartfelt story! 

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