Monday - August 26

Sure feels like these deep blue skies, 50's in the morning and evening and 70's daytime! 

Mark checked at the office about Brett coming to work (500-hour check) and then we moved the boat to a dock wall where they do the work.   We were happy to get off those narrow docks and Brett made lots of trips - he gets around on a golf cart and that sure wasn't going to work.

So, Brett got to work and (few issues here and there, but not getting into all that).....the good news is the port engine is finished and he will do the starboard one tomorrow.    We would not have have gone anywhere tomorrow anyway as strong winds are in the forecast.

Took our top bimini into the canvas shop here to have some stitching reinforced.    It was finished today so Mark and I got that back up....

Mark stayed close to the boat today answering questions, etc......Brett, the mechanic is soo young looking - when we first saw him, we both thought "A teenager"....but actually he's had 17 years experience and we were told he's 34. 

I got in some good walking and made it to the beach - Point Sodus Beach Park.   Lots of Moms and kiddies out there - no school for another week.

I have been getting sooo many calls (which I promptly hang up on....."Fraud Risk, Spam Risk, and then same ole again and again, sometimes 4-5 times a day!)    UGH!!!    They come from all over the country!

Pulled Pork sliders and salad for supper.     We've had a terrible time with itty bitty teeny tiny bugs which have invaded Catrina (outside) and all the boats least it's better since we've moved, but what a mess.    Had a nice clean boat yesterday and this morning.....ugh ugh ugh!!!

Here's some beauties from Sodus Point...

 Shades of purple hydrangeas

 Sunny sunflowers

Pretty pink petunias

 I love the red/yellow mixture - marigolds and geraniums

St. Rose (photographer was a bit crooked)

And this little gem is a fuel cooler.....looks like a rolling pin!!!   Ha!

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