Breakfast, started some laundry and then the guys were off to 9:15 Mass at St. John the XX111 and then golf at Eagle Ridge. On Tuesday when we had those horrific winds and a tornado touched down in south Fort Myers, this area (Eagle Ridge) was hard hit and Mark said it was very evident from the downed trees (had been mostly cleared away) and other debris.
We girls went to 11:00 Mass at Sacred Heart in Punta Gorda. What a beautiful Mass with Father Steven, wonderful homily (he had us laughing and crying) and phenomenal choir, with Grace as out cantor. Wow, what a voice!
Then it was time to take Anne to the airport for her Allegiant flight back to Peoria. We've had so much fun this week - more tears and hugs. Back to work tomorrow and will be happy to pick up Frankie and Gibson at the "Barking Lot" tonight where they've been since last Sunday.
Auntie and I made a stop at Publix to get more drinks/food for rest of us - Liam and Connor are hearty eaters!!!
On home to put groceries away and have lunch. Mark stayed in the clubhouse with his I-pad while the boys finished their 18 holes. So sad to see all the destruction from the tornado.
Jim and Lydia arrived home this afternoon from their 1-week cruise in the eastern Caribbean with their son Eric and family. They came over to Flo this afternoon and so fun to catch up on their trip and what we've been doing.
Sitting around the patio catching up. Auntie, Jim, Lydia, Liam, Mark, Connor
Later we went to Jim and Lydia's and Mark and Liam picked up pizza from Sir Pizza. Really good stuff plus great pork kabobs topped off with nephew/cousin Paul's (Jim and Lydia's son) phenomenal chocolates.

Pizza time... Auntie, Liam, Connor, Mark, Pat, Jim
Have a great week - stay safe and healthy!
Back to Flo for zoom with the siblings - Liam and Connor joined us but missing Nancy, Sharon and Tom. We've missed a few weeks so good to catch up with some we did not see at the Christmas gathering.
Forgot to mention that we went to see Christmas lights last night on Lorraine Drive. This home was chosen as a semi finalist on the Kelly Ripa/Ryan Seacrest show from around the nation, It was fairly close to us, so.....we took our 2 cars - guys in one and girls in the other and found this place. My oh my....little bit of everything, but no shortage of lights!!! Pics can't really do it justice, but.....think you get the idea! Auntie had 3-D glasses for us to enjoy, too.....that was fun! Mine were little snowmen. Also had trees, teddy bears, gift packages, etc.
Lotsa lights on Lorraine Drive
When our kids were small, we had this yearly tradition on Christmas Eve of driving around Bloomington/Normal oohing and aahing at all the lights and holiday decor. Then it was time to eat and oh my, year after year, it was a challenge as not much is open on Christmas Eve. We found some pretty nasty dives, truck stops, etc., but the kids sure have these memories all these years later. We had some good laughs with Anne, Ryan and Philip last night. I thought maybe our kids would start this tradition with their kiddos, but....didn't happen! 🤣