
Happy Sunday with 10-10-10 as the date.   It's Brenda's birthday and my niece, Jennifer and Jake's first wedding anniversary!

We slept in and then went to 10:00 Mass;  home for a bike ride and stopped at "Off and Running" to buy each of us a pair of biker shorts - so comfy and on sale!    Great day for a ride on the trail with lots of leaves falling down...Back home to get Daisy loaded up with food, clothes, etc. - tomorrow we are off to Michigan for 5 days!    Looking forward to visiting friends, good eating, shopping and hopefully, some pretty fall colors.

Mark has his 5th and final scuba class tonight - next weekend, he'll be at a 2-day dive to get his certification!

Have a great week....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your trip and tell the Hag's and any other Mid-Illini friends 'hello' from us. By the way, I love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing. :o)