October 28

Burrr...cold, dreary, windy out today!    Good day to be indoors.   Mark is fighting a nasty cold/cough and has been using a Neti Pot the past few days.    He was in his recliner most of the day under the afghan and finished reading "The Help" which he enjoyed very much.

I picked Connor up from school at 11 and Liam at 11:45 (only 1/2 day of school cause of parent/teacher conferences).   The boys played, had lunch, took naps, played some more.    We baked and ate pumpkin cookies, rode the treadmill, and cleaned up the toys.    Anne and Patrick went to talk to their teachers and then picked up the boys for the fall festival at school - they were in their costumes when they left!

Creative little guys
Playing with Grandma's weights and pulleys

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