October 21

Busy day.....went to Dr. Novotny this morning as I'm still having plenty of discomfort and pain.   After finishing therapy a few weeks ago, Lee and I talked about this and he suggested I see the doctor now instead of waiting till my scheduled December appointment.    After another set of x-rays, Dr. said it is completely healed and possibly still irritated from where the rod went thru the rotator cuff?   He said we could consider surgery to remove the rod and pin...............NOOOOOOOOOOO, really don't want more surgery and then that means more therapy.    He suggested I take Celebrex or Ibuprofen more frequently and I only need to come back and see him if and when I decide to go ahead with the surgery.

Stopped in to see my therapists and was happy that Lee, Jim and Diane were all there.    Gave them the scoop and they told me to wait till it's been at least a year (March 3rd) and see how it feels.    So, patience, patience....been blaming the weather and it IS worse when that changes, but it's been sooo pretty out, so?    We shall see....

Ran a bunch of errands, got a manicure/pedicure and finally home.     We got our flu shots and then ran a few more errands (always an errand to run here or there)!     Came home and Nadine stopped in (she's a Monday Night Friend.....actually, she's my friend the rest of the week, too)!!!    She showed me how to get started on the fleece blankets I'm making for the grandsons for Christmas.     So....ready, set, go with that project.    Should be fun!

I had a bridge (officers) meeting for our Mid Illini Power Squadron and now home and going to read for a while.   It was another very pretty day!

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