Wednesday - September 16

 I will always remember that the day I had my first cataract surgery was when Sally hit with such a vengeance in FL and surrounding states.    Ryan still has a home in Pensacola - his renters reported they had 30" of rain and damage to fence in backyard.

So heartbreaking to see all the flooding in downtown Pensacola, damage at the naval base and major damage throughout the city.    When Ryan was living on his boat at the Palafox Marina, we had happy memories of being there and eating at Jaco's.    Now it is pretty much and docks were moved over 500'.

Totally amazed with the eye surgery - just minutes to do a laser procedure and then maybe 10 minutes to remove the cataracts......back to be checked in the morning and then MRI for Mark.     Dr. Pinter did 10 of these cataract surgeries this morning.   He's just 1 doctor so a very popular procedure for we seniors.

Mike and Claire brought dinner this afternoon.....chicken tetrazzini, orange tapioca salad and Neiman Marcus cake!   WONDERFUL and sooo much appreciated!

Nighty night!

1 comment:

Charlotte Kerr said...

So happy all went well with your first eye surgery - I always found it’s always very scary when they are operating on your eyes and face. So are all the colors more bright? Praying for an equally quick and successful second outcome. 💕 to you both, C&D