Friday - May 17

 It was very foggy when we left KK this morning, so we took Route 150 instead of the interstate.    But about 5 miles later, all was clear!    Busy "medical" morning with an x-ray of my kidneys for Dr. Buck in Port Clinton to get a status on my kidney stones (last I knew I had 4 of them)  😐😐😐   Across the hall for my mammogram and then eye check-up.    Mark was my chauffeur and after dropping me off at VisionPoint, he went on to get his haircut.    After I got my eyes checked with dilated eyes, I walked across the parking lot to Crafted (coffee shop) and met Claire.

This was our first time together since I got back to IL......she drove and we were off to Mackinaw - lots to catch up on....we browsed around the tea room (Garden Gate) and then enjoyed our yummy lunch in the tea room and kept the chatter going full speed!     We had so much fun we closed the place down (except for a birthday group in the other room)!

The chatter boxes!  πŸ˜€

Claire brought me back to KK, we won't be together again till September....πŸ˜’

After Mark's haircut he drove to Mendota to get his chair at Bob and Linda's which he left on Wednesday.

I had a good visit with Kay, got my exercises done and Mark and I went for a short walk around KK.

Tonight Mark marked 2" higher on the closet door as I'm to reach once a month (17th) and see my progress according to Dr. Mehalik.    I will take 2"     Yeah!!!!!

Tomorrow our 3 boys and Drew are all coming for Connor's graduation on Sunday!    This Mama is very excited!

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