Wednesday - May 22

 Another windy day, but not as bad as yesterday!    So sad for the folks in Iowa, especially Greenfield.

 We were off to town at 8:10 to meet long-time boating friends for breakfast at Bloomin' Cafe.   We had never been there - what a great place and very good food.   Catching up with everyone's families, health issues, summer plans, etc.   FUN time and hope to see them all in September.

Pat, Barb, Roger H, Gary, Roger P, Mark, Gerry

We drove past Weibring Golf Course and waved at Connor (didn't see him but knew he was out there somewhere doing what he loves so much)!    Stopped at Holy Cross Cemetery and chatted with Patrick - he would be sooo proud of his boys!   And of course, Anne who is doing a fine job with Liam and Connor.

Went to Martin Health Center to see Donna Rae and another dear friend, Rhea.    Had great visits with both and continued prayers for their health and well being.  

Donna Rae

Our last stop was to see Sigrunn and Ken and give Sig a little gift as she recovers from her knee replacement.    More hugs and good byes......did a lot of that today!    Till September!

On home and started putting stuff in a safe place for travel.   Several RVers came in this afternoon including 2 guys next to us from Idaho and Seattle traveling to the Indy 500.   Micci stopped by and we hugged good bye.    Hope it's a profitable summer for KK - the pool is ready to open this weekend.

Blair graduating from 5th grade!   
They do it up big in North Carolina!
Best of luck in middle school, sweetie!

The 2 weeks and 1 day we were at KK have flown by and packed in with so much fun and good eating!    Enjoyed family and friends big time but now onto Catrina and a summer on the water.

Tomorrow Ruby and I (+my oldies) will follow Mark, Big Red and Flo wherever they may go.........

Tomorrow night is the Blue Angel special on Amazon Prime!!!     One final walk around KK.


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