Thursday - May 23

 At 7:22, our little mini caravan left KK on a very pretty sunny day!   We took a different route than normal as Mark didn't want to go around Chicago or the country route (24) with farmers and machinery still going strong.   So we did Indy to Fort Wayne to Toledo to Port Clinton.

We stopped in Ingalls, IN for lunch (McDonalds at Loves truck stop).    We traveled 423 miles - long day for we nomads but happy to be in our summer home of Port Clinton.   Donna, our neighbor greeted us with big hugs and we also met a boat delivery captain and his teenage-son who are leaving tomorrow with a beautiful 58' Sea Ray delivering to its new home in Fort Myers.   How about that.   The guys actually live in Cape Coral.   We were curious which marina they were taking "One More Thing" to as there are very few marinas in operation after Ian hit.    It's new home will be at The Landings which is private.

Tomorrow Catrina will be launched and then we'll start the transfer of all our stuff from one home to another.    Big Red, Flo and Ruby all need a good washing so that may be on the agenda too.  

We took our drinks and walked around Superior Marina checking on all the boats - new ones and those familiar to us,   Should be a busy holiday weekend.

Connor and friends (Patrick, Luke A and Luke B) at the Cubs game today
Unfortunately, they lost to the Braves 3-0.    

Leftovers for supper and then we watched the Blue Angel documentary on Amazon Prime.    We highly recommend this very exciting, informative, thrills and chills movie - this Mama's buttons are popping once again knowing Ryan was one of them!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat and Mark. We just watched the Blue Angels special on Prime Amazon. Such a great show! We enjoyed it immensely. Hope you all are well. Wayne and I are doing good, slowing down a little but enjoying life. Joining our girls and husbands on a Hawaiian cruise in August! We think of you often. 💗