Sunday - May 19

 Congratulations to Connor on his graduation from Central Catholic High School...

We started the day going to town for big breakfast at Anne's - all 10 of us enjoyed breakfast souffle, fresh fruit and magic marshmallow crescents.   Our 3 boys and Drew left for Green Gables and the grand opening today - this has been a long-time favorite of our family and after a horrific fire 2 years ago, they rebuilt and today was 1st day back in business.

The boys were very impressed and thought it ranked a "10"   WOW!!!

We left for Holy Trinity around 12:40 to get good seats as we knew church would be packed.    Doors opened at 1 and the long line quickly filed in.   Commencement mass started at 2 and lasted almost 2 hours.    Seven priests, the Knights of Columbus, 4th degree, faculty and staff made for a long procession as the pianist played Pomp and Circumstance.  Visited with friends on our way out of church and then onto Anne's for pictures and then dug into Monical's pizza!    Around 5:15, we had a torrential downpour!   Wow....was not expecting that!

Connor and Proud Mom who was an honor grad (class of '89)
Receiving his diploma
Connor with his G and G
Our kiddos with the graduate
Mark, Pat, Liam, Ryan, Anne, Connor, Michael, Philip, Drew
Anne and her boys
Auntie Karen and Connor
Liam and girlfriend, Jaycee

So the big day has wound down.....we said our good byes; Philip drove to Chicago for early flight to NYC tomorrow; Michael and Ryan are staying in East Peoria tonight (Michael flying to Boston early tomorrow and Ryan, back to Memphis); and Drew is driving home to Cedar Rapids.    So happy these guys could all be here for Connor.  Surprisingly, before we even got out of town on our way to KK, not a drop of rain!!!

11 siblings on zoom tonight - big news was Jim and Lydia's new granddaughter who arrived this morning to their son Jason and Mary - Parker James weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz., and is 18 1/2".   AND, little PJ was born on her Grandpa Jim's birthday!   Congratulations to all!!!


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