Wednesday - May 8

 Leisurely morning and then we left at 10:30 to pick up pie slices (2 coconut cream and 2 triple berry) at Busy Corner in Goodfield.    Off to Gridley to visit Barb and Roger.   We last saw them October 12, 2023 and thought we'd be together in Fl this winter.   However, health issues kept them home and Roger had open heart surgery a few weeks ago.    So.....we had much to catch up on and the chatter started immediately followed by a delicious Mexican lunch (enchiladas and all the sides) prepared by Barb.  Pie was good as ever!  We yakked and yakked and just a very fun afternoon - who would've thought when we were together last fall, we would both have plenty to chat about with my injuries and Roger's sudden issues.    Roger is doing great!!!

Barb and Roger

Drove past the new Green Gables which will be opening May 19th after a devastating fire destroyed the much-loved restaurant on May 9, 2022.    Looks really nice and much bigger but not much parking?

Rain is threatening so we had a short walk around the campground - new states are Ohio, Wisconsin and South Carolina + another Airstream from Florida.

Mark talked to our neighbor tonight - we've enjoyed watching them (Mom, Dad, 2 little boys and 2 younger girls) + the dog.    They sold their home in Washington, IL, put all their stuff in storage, bought a brand new 5th wheel and have just become full-timers 4 weeks ago.    Dad works from the 5th wheel  and I assume Mom is home schooling the boys.  They are planning to head west for the summer....let the adventures begin!!!

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