Saturday - May 11

 A beautiful Saturday which turned really windy later, but overall, a nice day and the farmers were out in the fields once again!

We went into town and met our friend Roger for breakfast at Bob Evans.    We were long-time friends of Roger and Carol thru boating, FL, etc.    Carol passed away in October from cancer - sooo many happy memories thru the years and glad we can keep in touch with Roger.   As we were leaving the restaurant, in walks Butch and Joyce who we were just with yesterday!    They were with another cocuple and had driven u from Champaign.   Surprise!!!    Quick chat and we were all on our way.

Roger, Pat, Mark

Off to do the laundry - when we were in town last fall, the laundromat manager told us they would be getting new machines and using a card instead of coins.    Turned out really nice with much bigger and better washers and dryers.  Mark helped me get the washers going and then went to Schnucks for a few groceries and got Ruby washed.    

On home, put laundry away, took a short nap, changed clothes and off to Peoria to pick up cousin Jane (and fellow Sublettian).    We went to 4:00 Mass at St. Jude, beautiful new church in north Peoria which was under construction when we were there last September for the funeral for Joe (Jane's husband).   Beautiful Mass with Father Bosse - St. Jude is truly spectacular.

Then to The Untamed Chef for dinner - we all enjoyed our dinners with lots of chatter and laughs.   It was so good to be together 

Pat 'n Jane

Connor's Class of 2024
The seniors are wearing shirts from their respective colleges.
Connor is in front with dark green "Danville" shirt

H A P P Y   M O T H E R 'S   D A Y!

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