Thursday - May 30

 Beautiful day in NC - breakfast, exercised the shoulder/hand and on with the day.    Brooke took Blair to school.....even though she's "graduated" to her new school, she has a full day plus 1/2 day tomorrow at Salem Elementary!

Brooke and I spent a good morning in the kitchen making goodies for tomorrow night's party - broccoli salad, deviled eggs, baked beans and moravian sugar cake.    It was fun to work in a fully-equipped kitchen.....still can't do some things (twist lids, hold a hand mixer, etc.)   

Mark and I went for a walk on the road....NO trails or hills for us.    Drew had 2 friends here over the holiday weekend and now been working from here this week.   Davis is home till he moves into new apartment in Winston-Salem mid June and then starts his job on July 1st.

Brooke always had so many endless roses blooming in a pretty deep pink shade, but this year they are so frazzled looking - the deer are having a feast!  😖

So......Dr. Andy at Hickory's Urgent Care (yesterday's visit) called this afternoon to tell Mark that x-ray was read by radiologist today and showed a "probable" fracture but not "definitive".   So, the same recovery time - 4-6 weeks!!!

Liam and Connor are in El Dorado, Kansas tonight!

Tonight was all about Brady and his graduation from Patton High School.   The ceremony lasted just 1 hour and was very nice!    Brady did a great job with his valedictory speech. Congratulations!!!

Notre Dame, here he comes!!!

Brady - Summa Cum Laude
#1 out of 172
Brady and proud parents
Brady and siblings
Brady with Grandma and Grandpa
Gram, Brady, Grand Bob

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