Tuesday - May 21

 Wow................what a crazy VERY windy day with gusts at 45 mph.    We left for town at 9:30, had several errands including stopping in to see Liam for a hug and good bye.   

Gibson and Frankie watching us from the window!

Mark dropped me off at Destihl for lunch with Brenda, Sharon and Sue.    Great lunch and visit - miss these gals when we're gone for a long time.    We sat outside - winds were still blowing hard but we were a bit protected.    

Long-time friends enjoying delicious sangrias
We shared this sinfully delicious banana cream pie 
different than the typical pie

Mark had lunch with his friend Henry at Times Past and they enjoyed catching up.    He picked me up and we drove to Green Gables as we wanted to see the new place.    They did a nice job with the new building  and a lot of people there at 2:30.

Stopped in Gridley to see Barb and Roger and a final visit till fall.....always enjoy our chats.

On home as the winds were just so strong.    Took a little rest and then time for dinner at Jack's and dessert (rhubarb crunch and ice cream) with Peggy and Steve at their home.    Plenty to yak about and compare notes on my accident in November and Steve's in December.    The wind is still very strong but just a few raindrops on our way home.    Our phones were going off earlier tonight with dust storm warnings,

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