Wednesday - May 15

 Another fun day....starting with Mark getting me a coffee at the new Scooter's in Mendota.  I want to support these small-town businesses + I love my lattes.   Then breakfast at Cindy's (east of Mendota) meeting Jane, Ruth, Butch, Bob and Linda.   Lots of yakking and so fun to be together - had not seen Ruth and Butch since last Fall.    As always, health issues were a big part of the conversation.   

Mark, Butch, Bob, Linda, Pat, Ruth, Jane
The Midstate College gals

We sure enjoyed our Mendota stay and thank Bob and Linda for their hospitality!!!

Headed back to KK and Bob called to tell Mark that he had left his chair (special for his back) at their house....ugh!   Mark will make a plan to pick that up sometime soon - maybe Friday?

Got our stuff put away, took a short nap and around 3:30, Kay and Jim arrived - good news is that their truck issue is nothing too serious, parts will be ordered and picked up later next week.   Kay enjoyed driving Ruby.

We went into town and met Bob and Martha for dinner at Revery, formerly the Ozark House.   It's been remodeled and we all enjoyed our dinners - plus lots of chatter.   So good to catch up with these good friends - been way too long!

Bob, Mark, Pat, Martha

Nine years ago today Mark and I became full-time nomads closing on our Jackson Street bome of 41 years

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