Monday - May 13

 We were off to town after loading up our stuff in the truck (Kay and Jim will use our car while were gone and hopefully won't take too long to get their truck back in order).    We met our friend Sue at Original Pancake House for breakfast - 1st time we've seen her since Jerry passed away in January.    It was so nice to be back together and catch up.   Sue and Jerry have been friends since the early 70's.

As we were leaving the heavens opened up - surprise!    The rain wasn't supposed to start till later this afternoon but a downpour came thru around 10:15.    Sue has a new Lincoln Corsair just like Ruby and had a question, so Mark checked that out, we said our good byes and on our way.    Stopped in El Paso at Java Cafe for a coffee break and onto Mendota staying with Bob and Linda for the next 2 nights.

Sweet Sue

We sat and visited on their back porch and then the guys took naps while Linda and I played RummiKube and SkyJo.    

Rained in the evening but we were off to Uptown Grill in LaSalle for delicious dinner celebrating Linda's birthday belatedly.    This is one of our favorite restaurants!    Drove around Peru a bit and on home,

The Birthday Girl

The guys beat we gals 2 of 3 games of euchre.    More rain tonight and tomorrow!   

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