Sunday - June 30

 2024 is 1/2 over - how can that be?   Where oh where has this year gone?    So today, the end of June, we are in the 60's and windy wearing jeans and sweatshirts.   Very unusual especially when much of the US is HOT!

Mark got our collapsible wagon out of the front storage locker and away we went (1st time to use this year).   First stop was EggSmart for another excellent breakfast and then to Metro walking the aisles and then later with our 3 bags + bottled water and Gatorade, we walked back to Catrina.

Later, we took the wagon full of laundry to the marina and did 3 loads.   Groceries and laundry - 2 big jobs out of the way!

We went to Mass with Father Jonathan in Port Clinton.    He always connects a personal life story with the gospel and readings - today, he talked about June Bugs, Mayflies or Canadian Soldiers!    All the same thing, depending on where you live.  We've not seen another mayfly since leaving June 11th.  

I was so sorry and sad to read in today's Pantagraph online that Dr. Patel had passed away.    He was my OB-GYN for many years and delivered Philip and Ryan.   What a wonderful man - so humble and kind and always smiling and whistling.    He delivered over 10,000 babies in his career!

Tomorrow is Canada Day and a big celebration planned for here in Whitby.   A large soccer field is next door to our marina - main location for all the festivities and they are getting all ready with cones controlling parking, many porta potties, etc.    We will have ringside seats on Catrina's bridge for the fireworks.

Zoom was with 8 concerns, upcoming surgeries, vacations, 4th of July plans, Hannah's bridal shower, etc.

Michael and family (+Tessa, Drew's girlfriend) are back home tonight after a week on St. John's Virgin Islands.     And Philip and his family are home after vacationing at Annette's parents, an Alaskan cruise and Las Vegas.  

Enjoy your week!

Saturday - June 29

 A very wet windy Saturday.....heavy rain started around 7:30 AM and we had planned to go for coffee with Robin and Louise.   We waited till 10 and had 4 umbrellas, raincoats and off we went to the Concrete Coffee Co only to find it closed (wedding)!    Arghhh.

Back to the marina and since they have a car, Robin found the Brock Street Espresso shop.  Cute little place with good coffee and pastries.   The rain stopped so we walked around Whitby's very charming downtown - stopped at 2 bakeries - Belle Vie and Caldense (Portuguese) and bought some delicious goodies home.

Louise and Robin

More rain was predicted but went around us - so just a gloomy day and drying out from all the rain.
We read, took a nap, played games on our I-pads, etc.    Enjoyed some of the pastries for a snack and then soup for supper.

The sun came out around 7 - beautiful evening, so we enjoyed a nice long walk - love their trails here.

Luke and Maeve have had so much fun at their Nana and Pa's on the farm......these latest pics really cracked me up!   Nana has several pet chickens and Maeve loves them - today she gave them manicures!!!    HA!

With Pa's help
Pretty painted nails
These chicks will be strutting all over the place!
Maeve has pictures of all the chicks hanging in the coop
The cousins had dinner tonight (along with parents, Nana and Pa) at Mona's in Toluca

Friday - June 28


Faith - Family - Friends
We are sooo blessed!

It's a beautiful day (72) for celebrating 55 years!    We rode our bikes to EggSmart for a delicious breakfast.    We enjoyed reminiscing about where we've spent past anniversaries since 2006 after Mark retired - lots of wonderful memories and fun to have the blog and Mark's log of where we stay each night.

Later in the afternoon, the wind picked up - whoaaa.....had planned on a bike ride or walk, but just a short walk and then put the bikes back on Catrina - they've been locked up at end of our dock.   Going to be a busy holiday weekend, so decided too many people out and about, so not planning to ride any more in Whitby but sure impressed with their trails.

The swans glide gracefully across the water or sometimes go headfirst in the water with their feet sticking straight up in the air,   Soo funny!   Never quick enough to get a picture.

We had a good chat today with our Texas friends, Paul and Kathy making final plans for their visit on Catrina in July   Can't wait to show them the Thousand Islands.

Tonight we met Robin and Louise at their dock and off to The Lake Grill - wow, this was a very memorable anniversary dinner with these fun friends.    Mark had beef wellington, Robin, the citrus salmon, Louise and I had lobster ravioli - all were big hits and then dessert time.....Mark had chocolate mousse cake, Robin, the banana/pineapple cake, Louise, creme brulee and I had sticky toffee pudding.

Robin and Mark
Pat and Louise

Rainy Saturday coming.....

Thursday - June 27

 Cool today especially on the water - inland, definitely warmer!    I made sausage, eggs and toast for breakfast and then we set to work on some maintenance jobs on Catrina - cleaning air conditioning filters and vents, adding more chain (100') to anchor and some new shelf liners.

Then we were off to check out the Concrete Coffee Co.   What a unique place - Robert Owen Studio started his business 15 years ago (making tables and other items out of concrete).    He has quite a workshop and so many funky items including bunches of 33 1/3 records which he was playing.   In December, a coffee shop was added along with sandwiches for breakfast and lunch.   I had an iced mocha which was soooo good - tasted like a chocolate milkshake and even the ice cubes were made out of coffee.   We had a nice visit with Robert and then the gal (we think his wife) gave us each a cinnamon stick that she made - she does all the bakery part, too.   It was very good.    We will definitely return to this place.

Unique but very good
Entrance to marina
Lots of geese and ducks in Canada at the marinas, BUT here, we have several pretty swans.

Back to the boat, grabbed our bikes and helmets and off to ride the trail (awesome, along the lake with many benches along the way).    And then we rode to Metro for a few groceries and on home 5 miles later.

Lunch on Catrina, followed by naps.   We've been in Canada over 2 weeks and have yet to see another boat from the states?

Robin and Louise came aboard around 4 and we had a 3+ happy hour/visit.    So much fun comparing family notes, travels in the past 5 years, boating adventures, etc.   Robin is from Trinidad has been a college professor, airline pilot and marine engineer + a few other careers!    They have 3 sons and a 3-month old granddaughter, Emma.   So interesting to chat with them.

Louise and Robin

Wednesday - June 26

 Walked this morning one final time around Bluffers Park.    Left the marina at 10:20 and had a nice leisurely cruise of 18.8 miles to Whitby!    It's been 29 years since Sail Catrina was built here by PDQ.    WOW.....hard to remember how it all looked back then but one of the office staff  said she was here at that time!   Our current Power Catrina was built here in 2004, but we bought her (2nd owners) in Annapolis in 2009.

Welcome to Whitby

We checked in with the office and back to Catrina for lunch.   We took a short nap (all that fresh air called for a little cat nap) and then off to see the area - think we're gonna like it here for the next 6 days,   We walked 1/2 mile to a nice strip mall and tah dah....had our first Tim Horton's (latte for me and cookie for Mark - they do not have decaf coffee???)

1st visit to Tim Horton's this trip

Checked out Metro (very nice grocery store) and other shops in the center and on home.   We took a different route than how we started and came across a coffee shop and restaurants.  😂  Stopped to say hello to Robin and Louise 3 docks away.   We met them 5 years ago in Brewerton, NY at EssKay Marina.    We've kept in touch since as they spend the winters in the Bahamas and 5 years ago, they were leaving Esskay for their 1st big trip in their sailboat "Zandolee".    Whitby is their homeport and so fun to reconnect.   They are so nice and fun to visit with - planning some tines together while we're here.

Beautiful red and white flowers all ready for Canada Day

We had some sprinkles on us as we were walking back to the marina and then from Zandolee to Catrina, but the heavier rain came around 4:15 and continued for 2 hours. 

There are some marinas between Bluffers and Whitby but they could not accommodate us cause of our beam (width) which is 17'.   So, we'll stay here thru the weekend as it's Canada Day (July 1) and Cobourg (next stop) is full thru the holiday.

Two weeks ago today we arrived in Port Colborne getting ready to do the Welland Canal the next day!   Gosh, we've covered a lot of miles since then - having a really great time here in Canada!

I have always been a big fan of Celine Dion with her beautiful voice and music.    A few years she was diagnosed with a very rare (1 in a million) disease called SPS (Stiff People Syndrome) affecting her voice, balance, and body movements.    What a horrific tragedy and now she has made a documentary which Mark and I just finished watching on Prime TV.   It's called "I am Celine Dion" -  it was excellent, heartbreaking and so incredibly sad.    Highly recommend!

One of my all-time favorite songs she sang was "The Power of Love" and back in 1998, it was very popular.    Michael and Brooke danced to that song for their first dance at their wedding reception.   And that brought back so many memories hearing her sing it in this teary-eyed show.    Have your kleenex ready......

Tuesday - June 25

 I slept in this morning and after breakfast, Mark went for a bike ride while I exercised.   I was walking to join him for a walk - saw this weight-lifting equipment along the banks of Lake Ontario that a boater obviously uses.   And then we saw a couple doing yoga on the dock!   We have our little exercise set-up here on Catrina where I use the pulleys, stretch bands, bar for stretching, weights, etc. for my shoulder!

Had a very pleasant walk along the water - rocky shoreline and the tall bluffs.    It was cool today and no sun; brief shower came thru around 3:30.    Both of us went for a short bike ride and then lunch at Bluffers (2 restaurants here at the marina - Dogfish, more casual where we ate yesterday and then Bluffers which is also a wedding venue and features Greek Mediterranean fare.)  Mark had spaghetti bolognese and I had Melitzanosalata (Greek dip) with warm pita bread and olives - all very good.  

Took the bikes back to the boat and got them secured.   Nice relaxing afternoon.

Lifting weights by the water
Pretty walk along the shore
Tall bluffs
Floating homes (some are 3-stories) at the marina
Vibrant flowers at Bluffers

Around 6:00, the winds really picked up and Mark's sweet tooth was calling to him!!!    So we walked to Bluffers for dessert - he had the black forest mousse cake with strawberries and I had baklava.   Both excellent!

Black forest mousse cake

Monday - June 24

 A beautiful day and happy that the strong winds died down overnight.   We were in no hurry today as just cruising 13.3 miles so we walked 3/4 mile to Aroma Coffee Expresso.   Another neat coffee shop with great croissant breakfast sandwiches and sat outdoors with lots of pretty flowers.

Very nice and yummy coffee shop
One of many Air Canada jets taking off from Billy Bishop Airport

Back to Catrina and left the dock at 10:30.   We are at Bluffer's Park Marina in Scarborough/    This is a huge city of over 632,000, but we are very remote.   Ed Wilson, another former employee of PDQ (back in the day) greeted us on the dock (which is normally where he keeps his PDQ).   Ed is the yard manager here at Bluffer's Park which is the largest full-service marina in the Toronto area.   Catrina was  #55 in power cats that PDQ built and Ed has #115 (the last one before they went out of business.

Bye bye Toronto
Passing these white cliffs along the way
Pretty scenery outside marina

We had lunch at Dogfish Pub and Eatery - good stuff and also checked out the trail.    Had a nice quiet afternoon on Catrina with a nice breeze coming in the windows!

Around 6:00, we took the bikes and went for a short ride to the beach - the Scarborough area has 21 beaches.  We saw a few tonight and they were packed!!    

More interesting facts about the CN Tower  - It took 40 months to build starting in February, 1973 and opened to the public in June of 1976.   It took 1,537 contractors working 24-hour days 5 days a week to complete the project.

Sunday - June 23

 A funky weather day.....rain and strong winds were predicted and we did have rain showers off and on this morning....closest church was a good jaunt + 2 of their masses were in Portuguese,    

We went to livestream mass with Father Jonathan in Port Clinton.

Between showers we walked to Sobeys for some groceries (had to watch the weight....Mark used his backpack and I had a grocery bag from Trader Joe's.   Also stopped at LCBO for a bit of libations and then to Loblaws (very nice grocery) for a few more items and on home.    Unpacked our stuff and another brief shower came thru....

Read, took naps and then Mark said he needed an ice cream fix.    The sun was shining but crazy windy....we took off for a 1-mile walk.    Sooo much going on this Sunday afternoon in downtown Toronto along the waterfront - people, bikers, joggers ,boats (water taxis, tour boats, ferries, and pleasure boats), plus private and corporate jets taking off and landing at the Billy Bishop airport directly across from our marina.    AND never ending sirens all day long.  The city of Toronto has over 3m people and combining that with the metro population, they are at 6.4m.   They recently passed Chicago in city population (Chicago has 2.6m).   We walked thru several very nice parks.  Took us a while, but we found the ice cream and  how crazy that it was called "The Ice Cream Fix Bar"   What a wild windy day walking along the water with winds gusting to 37 mph.

Enjoyed our chocolate chip ice cream cookies
Mark waiting for the gal to make up our cookie sandwiches!

The Toronto Music Garden is very close to our marina and such a pretty area of trees, flowers, paved walkways, benches, etc.   They have concerts in the park on the weekend and folks were getting settled in as we walked by.   

Mark walking thru the garden
So many pretty flowers - not sure what these are?
Catrina in her slip across from the music garden

Someone posted (anonymously) on the blog about all the steps in the CN Tower (1,778) to the observation deck and she/he did this (WOW) several years ago in 19 minutes, 59 seconds!   She/he said groups have fundraisers with participants walking the stairs!    These friends have since identified themselves - thanks!!!

Philip, Annette, Ryan and Erin are back from their Alaskan cruise - had a great time!    That is one of our all-time favorite vacation spots - soooo vast, soooo magnificent, soooo beautiful!!!

So it turned out to be a really nice day despite the strong winds and we've enjoyed our stay in Toronto, but really prefer the smaller towns.....tomorrow, back to the cruising!

7 on zoom tonight - new baby talk, vacation plans, Grandma Doris's week at the lake with grandkids 7 and older, Toronto, etc.   

Enjoy your week! 

Saturday - June 22

 Cloudy and cooler today....we left Hanlan's Point at 10:45 and cruised 4 miles to Outer Harbour for a pump out and then to Marina Quay West for a total of 8.9 miles.    We'll be here 2 nights and are in the heart of downtown Toronto.   It was crazy windy but Mark maneuvered Catrina just fine into our slip.   He checked into the office and we were off to find some lunch.   Rain was predicted for later this afternoon and we should've taken umbrellas, but we didn't.     Very close by, we found the Music Garden Cafe - tiny little place with coffee, gelato, sandwiches, etc.   We both enjoyed our panini's with potato salad.

Then off to get Mark a haircut.   The rain started but not too bad.   We walked past a Starbucks and I settled in there while Mark walked a few more blocks.   The barista asked if I was a local or visiting.   I told him we were visiting and on our boat for the summer.   He thought that was so neat and said "Here, welcome to Canada" and handed me 2 cake pops!   How nice was that.   I enjoyed my latte and after sitting down, the heavens opened up big time.    Fortunately, Mark got to the barber just in time.    He had a guy from Ukraine cut his hair who has been in Toronto just 4 months.   Mark came back to pick me up and we took a different route back to Catrina.   The sky was getting darker and glad to hunker down as the rain poured down again!    More coming tonight and tomorrow!    The  high today was 73.

On our way to Outer Harbour, we went around this Great Lakes cruise ship - Viking Polaris out of Bergin, Norway.    These Great Lake cruises seem to be very popular and the next port for this one is Port Colborne and the Welland Canal.    So nice to have AIS (automatic identification system) which gives us direction, speed, destination (if other boat has AIS) of other vessels.

The Viking Polaris

The Yankee Lady (we saw 2 private parties last night) went out today with a large group - sure hope they didn't get wet, although plenty of space inside!

I play alot of online euchre (Trickster) and my partners/opponents are from all over the US, Canada and other countries.   Last night I played with 2 different ladies (Gigi and Donna) both from close!    Ha!

Friday - June 21

 It rained more overnight!   We walked to Archtop Coffee Co. - what a neat place with the coffee/pastries on one side and bar (with coffee alcoholic drinks on other side).    Mark had a cinnamon roll and I had a lemon cranberry muffin + our coffees!    All delish and I stayed a bit longer while Mark went to FOGH Boat Supplies for a few items.   They had "The Pet Collective" on TV.....never heard of this but so funny watching cats, dogs and other animals doing silly things!    

Neat coffee shop in Port Credit
Not seen a sign like this before? 

I took a long walk along the waterfront trail with the water on one side and a pretty park on the other side..    On the way back to Catrina, I went into the marina office and asked about the fox on the Mark expected, it's the marina mascot and a deterrent to keep the geese off the dock (tail wags, etc.)   Very clever as the geese are a big issue up here!

We left Port Credit at 10:40 and cruised 13.4 miles to Hanlan Point, Toronto Island.   Although it was pretty hazy, it was really neat seeing the Toronto skyline and cruising past all the tall skyscrapers, the CN Tower, lots of yacht clubs, the private airport (Billy Bishop on Toronto Island), Rogers Centre (home of the Blue Jays), etc.    

Several boats were parked along a long wall but plenty of room for Catrina.    Today marked a big hurdle for me as we rode bikes (me for the 1st time since August).    There are so many paths around Hanlan Point with bicycle and surrey bikes (2-4 passenger) for rent (very popular).    Also many walkers and lots of folks out and about.    We stopped at Greek Island for lunch - walk-up place (pizza was other choice, plus a bar).   Our gyros were delicious and then we were off.    We did a total of 5 miles and felt really good, although shoulder was aching by the time we were done!   Jeff and Chad (PT guys would be proud)!   ðŸ˜€ðŸ˜€

Back home to rest and had a brief shower pass thru and although radar looked like some nasty stuff coming didn't happen..   Here are some pics from today...

Always can find a place to plant flowers
This partially sunken freighter marks the entrance to Port Credit
The Ridgetown was launched on June 24, 1905.   She became the breakwater to
 Port Credit River in 1974.
Toronto skyline
CN Tower - tallest structure in the western hemisphere
standing at 1,815' 
It was built by the Canadian National Railway (CN), has 147 floors and opened June 26, 1976.

View from our bikes looking across to Toronto
Hanlan Point is 800 acres with 9 miles of paved walking/biking paths 
and has a clothing "optional" beach!  (NO thanks)

At 5:00, we went for a walk and came upon where the ferry docks (taking passengers from the city to Toronto Island).   The only vehicles here are maintenance related.   Taking the ferry, water taxi, boat are the 3 methods of transportation.    And there's the Billy Bishop Airport.

On our way back to Catrina, we stopped and visited with a lady on her 36' PDQ sail catamaran.   Had an interesting chat with her.   She and hubby are from Toronto but are constantly cruising and they with their boat have been to SEVENTEEN (17) countries!    WOW!!!

On September 5, 1914, Babe Ruth hit his first home run for the minor league team, the Providence Gray's against the Toronto Maple Leafs here at Hanlan's Point.   It's the only home run he hit in the minors and to this day, is believed to be at the bottom of Lake Ontario.  That day, he also pitched a great game and was sent to the majors where he became the
 "greatest baseball player of all time."

One of many surrey bikes on the island
A full rainbow tonight - nice ending to a really fun day~

Shortly after we saw the rainbow, a huge charter yacht (The Yankee Lady) came past with a wedding party and guests and then a bit later, the 2nd Yankee Lady came by with a big cruise group.

The Yankee Lady

Thursday - June 20

 Another steamy morning in Hamilton.    We walked to Williams Fresh Cafe for breakfast and my latte.   Had a nice shower between 2:30-4:30 AM with thunder and lightning.   Sure wish the rain would fall down on IL.

Did 2 loads of laundry so that is now all caught up.   We left West Harbor at 11:30 and made the noon opening of the Burlington Bay Lift Bridge after crossing under the QEW (Queen Elizabeth Way).    We've driven on it (rental car); crossed over it (Mark's bike) and yesterday/today, under it on Catrina.   

Hamilton skyline
The orangey/yellowish bridge - Burlington Bay Lift Bridge
The high arch overpass of the QEW (125')

We cruised 25.5 miles to the Credit Village Marina in the town of Port Credit in the city of Mississauga.   We passed many many massive homes along the shoreline.   Nice marina and several guys waiting on the dock to take our lines.    Happiness is seeing helpful hands on deck~

We walked to Snug Harbour (very close) for a late lunch - big place with lots of inside and outside dining and very good.  Mark had the ribs and I had coconut shrimp and a Caesar salad.  After the heat from yesterday and this morning, we actually got chilly on the water today.    And it was very hazy out there but cooler here at Port Credit and a big relief from yesterday.

 Had some rain around 5 and then really heavy stuff at 6:45.    At 8 when the rain stopped, we walked one block over to where all the restaurants, bars, ice cream, coffee shops were.    We each had waffle cones from Scoops - yum!   On home and called it a day!

It's not everyday you see a fox on the dock....he's bolted down and some 
folks posed for a picture earlier today!
There must be a story somewhere???
Credit Village Marina has yellow lights on their electrical pedestals - maybe that's 
what keeps the bugs away.   Very happy we've not had any bugs since we arrived on Lake Ontario.