Tuesday - June 4

 Good to be back on Catrina and after Mark took the light bulb out of  the power pedestal last night, the mayflies were minimal this morning.    They are really attracted to light.

Mark was up early (5 AM) but I really slept in (almost 9)😊 ....guess that big travel day yesterday caught up with me.    Mark, the dear went to Coffee Express for a hazelnut latte for me and lemon/blueberry muffin for himself.    I started unpacking and putting stuff away, a bunch to put back on Flo, etc.   Mark went to WalMart for piddlies and pickup Rx for our upcoming trip to Canada next week.    Trying to be as organized as possible this week and figuring out what we need and don't need for our 2-month trip.

Dave, the Dockmaster told Mark he uses "grabbers" for when you need to practically stand on your head in the engine room - they work great retrieving something dropped or hard to get (just like short people or elderly need to reach high in a cupboard or pick up from the floor).    Mark bought some today at WalMart!   Wow.....they work great and maybe could've avoided a "probable" fractured rib???

We drove downtown to Coffee Express for unch - love this place for their excellent coffee, muffins, lunch choices, etc.    Then we stopped at Dollar Tree and another visit to WalMart for some groceries and Rx that weren't ready when Mark was here earlier today.

On home.....put away the groceries and had a nice relaxing afternoon reading, napping (not sure why I needed a nap, but felt good) and playing games on our I-pads.   Walked around the marina at night!


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