Monday - June 17

Hello from the 50 Point Marina in Winona, ON (between Toronto and Buffalo - 50 miles either way).    This morning we walked to downtown Grimsby for Mark to take back the windshield wiper blades which didn't work and they didn't have what he needed - amazing how many choices!    I stayed at the 416 Coffee Co. and enjoyed my latte and we shared a cherry cheese Danish.    Neat place that saw folks coming and going including a Dad and his darling little 2-year old Ezekiel.   Fun to be around little people again!

My latte was delicious and artsy

We walked back to the boat and got ready to take off for another short cruise 7.2 miles.

After lunch, while I was making a batch of BBQ and spaghetti sauce, Mark went for a bike ride to scout out the area.   We are at least 3 miles from town.

It was a pretty morning and nice walk to coffee/hardware store - there was no mention of rain in the forecast, but this afternoon it really came down.    It's going to be a very hot record-breaking week over much of the country.    Even up here where it's been in the upper 60's, we heard several conversations about the hot weather coming......but today, the hgh was only 82?    It rained over 1.5 hours.

The kiddos up here are  in their last week of school and we prayed yesterday in church for those students taking final exams this week.

2 months ago today (April 17) when I met with Dr. Mehalik, he told me to measure once a month on this date to see how far my hand/arm could's the progress starting at the bottom (April) up to today (June 17).   Slowly getting there.....

Moving in the right direction

More pretty flowers here at Fifty Points (celebrating 40 years) - we plan to stay here 2 nights

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